Bloodstone Cabochon

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Standard Calibrated Bloodstone Cabochon Gemstones in All Shapes and Sizes at AfricaGems

5 of 5 Items
  • Bloodstone Round Cabachon in Grade AAA Bloodstone Round Cabachon in Grade AAA

    Bloodstone Round Cabachon in Grade AAA

    This Natural genuine Bloodstone gemstones in Grade AAA, displays a dark green background matrix with well defined flecks/spots of red (as image shows). Amount of red spots/flecks can vary between bloodstone gems. This bloodstone gemstones has a Good...

  • Bloodstone Oval Cabachon in Grade AAA Bloodstone Oval Cabachon in Grade AAA

    Bloodstone Oval Cabachon in Grade AAA

    This Natural oval cabochon top genuine Bloodstone gemstones in Grade AAA, displays a dark green background matrix with well defined flecks/spots of red (as image shows). Amount of red spots/flecks can vary between bloodstone gems. This bloodstone...

  • Bloodstone Oval Buff Top  in Grade AAA Bloodstone Oval Buff Top  in Grade AAA

    Bloodstone Oval Buff Top in Grade AAA

    This Natural oval buff top genuine Bloodstone gemstones in Grade AAA, displays a dark green background matrix with well defined flecks/spots of red (as image shows). Amount of red spots/flecks can vary between bloodstone gems. This bloodstone gemstones...

  • Bloodstone Cushion Buff Top in Grade AAA Bloodstone Cushion Buff Top in Grade AAA

    Bloodstone Cushion Buff Top in Grade AAA

    This Natural rectangle shaped buff top cabochon top genuine Bloodstone gemstones in Grade AAA, displays a dark green background matrix with well defined flecks/spots of red (as image shows). Amount of red spots/flecks can vary between bloodstone gems...

  • Bloodstone Emerald Buff Top in Grade AAA Bloodstone Emerald Buff Top in Grade AAA

    Bloodstone Emerald Buff Top in Grade AAA

    This Natural emerald shaped buff top cabochon top genuine Bloodstone gemstones in Grade AAA, displays a dark green background matrix with well defined flecks/spots of red (as image shows). Amount of red spots/flecks can vary between bloodstone gems...

5 of 5 Items

Natural Bloodstone Gems in Calibrated Sizes
A member of the Chalcedony family, Bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope, offers a complex, masculine appeal. The most desirable Bloodstone display a green background with well-defined red spots. The green should not be so dark that it appears black. These gemstones lend themselves to gentlemen's jewelry like dignified men's bloodstone rings and cufflinks.

What is Bloodstone? Bloodstone Meaning, History & Lore
The speckles of Jasper give rise to the name Bloodstone, so named because the red spots were believed to be drops of Jesus' blood. Throughout history, healers used Bloodstone as a curative for a variety of ailments. Bloodstone reportedly cured bloodshot eyes, headaches, venomous bites and bleeding. It is also reputed to promote emotional balance and charity. Native American Indians used Bloodstone in tribal ceremonies and thought the stone to possess spiritual powers. Today, ground Bloodstone is used as medicine and as an aphrodisiac in India. Additionally, Bloodstone is an alternative to Aquamarine as a birthstone for March.

Loose Bloodstone Gems for Bloodstone Rings - Gorgeous Black Gemstones
India is one of the most important mining locations for this gem. Australia, Brazil, China and the United States are other sources for Bloodstone. Bloodstone is appealing without any enhancement and needs no treatments to achieve its interesting and sought-after look. With a harness of 6.5-7 on the Moh's hardness scale, Bloodstone is a great choice for everyday jewelry. All calibrated sizes of Bloodstone Gems are in stock and ready to ship from AfricaGems.

Learn More About Bloodstone
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